All films can be found on the Terrivision Youtube channel
click any film to watch !
" Me, Personally " (2023)
"Me, Personally" follows a day in the life of a girl who often overhears others' conversations. Every time she overhears, she can't help but to interject and speak to the audience, stating what she would have done, personally.
* This film was directed by Ke'von Terry, and the cast/crew of this film is comprised of many talented individuals at UC Berkeley.
" WOOPS " (2022)
"WOOPS" is a horror/comedy film that follows a group of friends trying to get out of a midterm. After a failed study session the night before, they soon realize that they might've spent their time summoning a demon rather than summoning a good grade.
* This film was put together by Samantha Horne, Alex Chang, and Ke'von Terry, as well as the cast being comprised of many talented individuals at UC Berkeley.
" Retail " (2021)
"Retail" is my very first film project. While being the shortest film, it follows the story of a young woman named Naomi. Naomi goes back to a small shop because that's where she believes she left her phone the previous night, however a worker soon realizes her phone isn't her only tie the shop.
* This film was directed by Ke'von Terry, while the cast and crew is comprised of talented individuals apart of Digital Gym Cinema.